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Zornotzako Barnetegia is a HABE-approved euskaltegi and as such our students are eligible for alot of grants, for example:

Grants for foreign students

Students from abroad can apply to various programs run by the Etxepare Institute. You can find more information here: . Every year numerous students from all over the world come to Zornotzako Barentegia with grants from  the Etxepare Institute and the Aurten Bai Fundation. This year, you can be one of them.

Grants for students from the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country

HABE > Students who during the course have passed the assessment test of a level of Basque at an euskaltegi or approved self-learning center, have obtained a certificate through HABE accreditation calls or have accredited an equivalent level, can access the grants awarded by HABE

LANBIDE-HABE Agreement > Lanbide-Basque Employment Service and the Institute for Adult Literacy and Reeuskaldunisation (HABE) have reached an agreement to offer language training courses in Basque aimed at unemployed and employed people who are studying or have studied in the last three years in Certificate of Professionalism programmed by Lanbide. 

City councils > There are many city councils that grant aid to study Basque, some of them are: Bilbao, Donostia – San Sebastián, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Amorebieta-Etxano, Durango, Elorrio, Erandio... For more information, please contact your local council.

Civil service employees > Civil service employees in the Basque Autonomous Community can apply for grants to study Basque in the institution where they work: Osakidetza, Education, City Councils... More information at your institution.

Grants for students from the Autonomous Community of Navarre

Euskarabidea: information in Spanish and in Basque

Our grants

  • If you come with a friend and you enrol on the same course, you both get a 25% discount. Some things are easier to do with a friend... :)

Discounts and grants cannot be combined.